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Janice Jackson

7 Foot-Health Tips for Summer Fun

7 Foot-Health Tips for Summer Fun Warmer weather is upon us and the bright days are here to stay, making it the perfect time to kick off your shoes and…

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Proving the Power of Podiatry

Proving the Power of Podiatry By Rachel Albright, DPM, CPMA Board Member As podiatrists, we understand the true value and power of our profession. For example, we don’t only treat…

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Get to Know CPMA President James DeJesus

Get to Know CPMA President James DeJesus The Connecticut Podiatric Medical Association has been pushing forward podiatry in our state since 1910, and we have the strong leadership of the…

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Top 5 Takeaways From CPMA’s State Meeting

top 5 takeaways from cpma’s state meeting Surfing the State Financial Tsunami CPMA Lobbyist Linda Kowalski is actively working with the legislative leadership to progress our two bills during the…

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President’s Message • Summer 2024

August 1, 2024

President’s Message From the desk of Kristen Winters As the bright days of summer unfold, I extend my warmest greetings to each of you. I am thrilled to share in…

An Interview with President-Elect Adam Mucinskas

April 17, 2024

Stepping Forward with Dr. Adam Mucinskas Significant advancements have been made in the field of podiatry in recent years, with CPMA playing a pivotal role advance our profession. Under Kristen…

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