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About CPMA


The Connecticut Podiatric Medical Association (CPMA) is the premier professional society for the Doctors of Podiatric Medicine in our state and the sixth oldest Podiatric organization in the world. CPMA is a component of the American Podiatric Medical Association alongside 52 other societies in states and jurisdictions across the United States. CPMA represents podiatry in Connecticut and serves as the bridge to policy and practice at the national level.


We educate Connecticut’s podiatrists about the latest in podiatric medicine and surgery; we help them run thriving medical practices. We make sure that state lawmakers understand the value of podiatry. We help the public access high quality foot care. We are dedicated—without compromise—to our members, the profession of podiatric medicine, and to the foot health of individuals throughout the state.


The Connecticut Podiatric Medical Association serves its members by boosting public awareness, catalyzing policy, and providing career development opportunities. We aim to pair exceptional healthcare with meaningful community action to elevate the future of podiatric medicine and surgery.


Dr. Thomas Abrahamsen
Dr. Adebola Adeleke
Dr. Rachel Albright
Dr. Andrew Anastasio
Dr. Samuel Berkowitz
Dr. Marc Bernbach
Dr. Paul Betschart
Dr. Jeremy Bier
Dr. Katherine Black-Lee
Dr. Peter Blume
Dr. Karen Borsos-Debs
Dr. Anthony Brockington
Dr. Talia Brown
Dr. Amy Bruce
Dr. Kristina Bystrak
Dr. Carol Callahan
Dr. David Caminear
Dr. Farlyn Charlot
Dr. Aparna Chauhan
Dr. Timothy Cheung
Dr. Michael Connor
Dr. Mark Daddio
Dr. John D'Amico
Dr. E Damon
Dr. Matthew D'Angelo
Dr. Christian Davis
Dr. R. Davis
Dr. Odin de los Reyes
Dr. James DeJesus
Dr. Lady Paula DeJesus
Dr. Jeffrey DeLott
Dr. Marisa DeMatteo-Santa
Dr. Edward Denkin
Dr. Kush Desai
Dr. Joseph DiFrancesca
Dr. Daniel Dobas
Dr. Thomas Domanick
Dr. Dennis D'Onofrio

Dr. Thomas Donohue
Dr. Richard Durocher
Dr. Richard Ehle
Dr. Nicholas Faiver
Dr. Eliza Fantarella
Dr. Michael Fein
Dr. Richard Feldman
Dr. Peter Ferrante
Dr. Pavel Filipov
Dr. Charles Forster
Dr. Gordon Fosdick
Dr. Gabriel Gambardella
Dr. Michael Gazes
Dr. Charlotte George
Dr. Rafael Gonzalez
Dr. Richard Gosnay
Dr. Richard Grayson
Dr. Thomas Guglielmo
Dr. Alicia Guidone
Dr. Nili Harpaz
Dr. Kimberly Inocco
Dr. Stuart Jablon
Dr. Luke Jeffries
Dr. Thomas Johnson
Dr. Jeffrey Kahn
Dr. Robert Kalman
Dr. Harold Kaplan
Dr. Herbert Karpelman
Dr. Elizabeth Karrenberg
Dr. Chris Kassaris
Dr. Craig Kaufman
Dr. Samuel Kellner
Dr. Kenneth Kierstein
Dr. Eric Kosofsky
Dr. James Krantz
Dr. Peter LaBarbera
Dr. Ayman Latif
Dr. David Lawrence
Dr. Stephen Lazaroff

Dr. Lynn LeBlanc
Dr. Harvey Lederman
Dr. Marc Lederman
Dr. Norman Levine
Dr. Rose Lipari
Dr. Carmen Luciano
Dr. John Maiocco
Dr. Edward Marici
Dr. Robert Marra
Dr. Sonya Marshall
Dr. Jeffrey Martone
Dr. Steven Massucci
Dr. Robert Matusz
Dr. Aashi Modi
Dr. Adam Mucinskas
Dr. Khoa Nguyen
Dr. David Novicki
Dr. Robert Novicki
Dr. Chioma Odukwe-Enu
Dr. Estell Pappas
Dr. Lori Paragas
Dr. Thomas Parasiliti
Dr. Jesse Parks
Dr. Raffaella Pascarella
Dr. Devang Patel
Dr. Priyal Patel
Dr. Sanjay Patel
Dr. Stephen Perlmutter
Dr. Paulina Piekarska
Dr. Elliot Pollack
Dr. Martin Pressman
Dr. Lonnie Resnick
Dr. Jack Rice
Dr. Ian Richter
Dr. Denisa Riera
Dr. Kurt Rode
Dr. Allan Rosenthal

Dr. Robert Rutstein
Dr. Stanley Rutstein
Dr. Michael Sabia
Dr. Tehreem Sajjad
Dr. Motasem Salamah
Dr. Joseph Saracco
Dr. Mark Schickler
Dr. Stephen Schmidt
Dr. Albert Schwartz
Dr. Joel Segalman
Dr. David Sharnoff
Dr. Robert Sherman
Dr. Eric Silverstein
Dr. Mark Slomsky
Dr. Edward Tarka
Dr. Jennifer Tauber
Dr. Orlexia Thomas
Dr. Michael Travisano
Dr. Joseph Treadwell
Dr. Matthew Tschudy
Dr. Laura Vander Poel
Dr. Jessica Vinokur
Dr. Marilyn Vinokur
Dr. Chelsea Viola
Dr. Steven Vyce
Dr. Brian Wagner
Dr. Kevin Wakeham
Dr. Scott Weiss
Dr. Kenneth Wichman
Dr. Rebecca Wiesner
Dr. Fionna Williamson
Dr. James Wilson
Dr. Kristen Winters
Dr. So Wong
Dr. Abraham Yale
Dr. Jeffrey Yale
Dr. Neal Zomback
Dr. Arnold Zuckman



We strive to increase public awareness around all that podiatric medicine and surgery have to offer—while recognizing CPMA members as the physicians of choice to provide that comprehensive care.


CPMA will be the voice and a major catalyst in influencing public and private policy around the future of podiatric medicine and surgery in Connecticut.


CPMA ensures the future of podiatric medicine in Connecticut through a commitment to students and young professionals as well as an overall diversification of membership and leadership.


CPMA plays a vital leadership role in career development and facilitates the direction of an integrated education agenda for the podiatric medical profession.



5 Reasons to Become a Podiatrist

September 18, 2019

By Dr. Farlyn Charlot-Wadley, DPM | Like many professions, a passion for the work is vital to advancement and success. While some may not be immediately drawn to podiatry as career path, it has deeply enriched my life in many ways. Here are five reasons why you should pursue a fulfilling career as a podiatrist…

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